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Tips on Preparing Your Children for Divorce

Parent talking to child

Divorce can be an incredibly tumultuous and emotional experience, especially for children. As such, one of the most challenging conversations a parent can ever have is informing their child that they are getting a divorce. Since many parents do not even know themselves how their lives will change after a divorce, it can be a considerable struggle to try and find the right words to reassure their children about the unknowns that lie ahead. Fortunately, there are several things that parents can do to help create a "game plan" and prepare their child for their upcoming separation.

Be sure to communicate the following when informing your children about your divorce:

  1. It is not their fault: It is crucial you let your child know that the conflict between you and your spouse is not your child's fault. While some issues influencing your decision to divorce may indeed concern your child, this does not mean that they are not to blame.
  2. Mom and Dad will always love them: Although you and your spouse may not love each other anymore, nothing will ever change the love you have for your children. No matter what happens or what changes may occur, you will always be their parents, and you will always be there for them.
  3. They will continue to be safe: Change can be frightening. Be sure to let your children know that their safety is not in danger and that you will continue to care for them. Let them know that their wellbeing is your top priority and that it will be factored into every decision made moving forward.
  4. Everything will be okay: Things always have a tendency to work out, even when we think they will not. Divorce is the same way. While your child may be frightened of what is to come, life will go on. Differences will become easier with time, and soon enough, they will be able to look back and say that everything worked out alright.

Contact the Law Offices of Frank F. Ali

If you and your spouse have decided that the time has come to end your marriage, the Roseville divorce lawyers at the Law Offices of Frank F. Ali can guide you step by step through the associated legal process and ensure your best interests are protected at all times. To find out more about what our 10+ years of legal experience can do for you, contact our office online or call us today at (888) 745-8444.
